Friday, January 09, 2009

Election Time!

That's right, it's election time in the Virginia House of Delegates 46th district, coming up on Tuesday. We have the distinguished (but not that well announced) honor of attending a Special Election to replace our delegate, Brian Moran (D), who has resigned to focus full time on his run for the Governor's office. That race has started heating up with the entrance of former DNC Chairman Terry McAuliffe to the nomination battle.

Moran's abrupt decision to resign his assembly seat sparked a very quick election process to get a delegate chosen before the upcoming legislative session. So, the 283 Democrats and Republicans who were aware of it (as opposed to I and the other 45,000 registered voters in the district) converged on an area school to have a caucus and a canvass to determine their nominees.

The most interesting part of this spectacle is the nomination of Joe Murray for the Republicans. The entire length of his campaign for the nomination was 5.5 HOURS. The 49 Republicans who gathered for the canvass chose Joe - he received 20 votes vs the other two challengers who had 16 and 13 votes, respectively. Pretty spectacular, given that he hadn't made up his mind about running until the day of the canvass.

Most people in the district still don't know there is a special election next Tuesday, so I think it should be a quick run up to the poll. I am considering taking after my brother-in-law, Rich, and starting a 4-day write-in campaign. I don't think that Joe really stands a good chance (the Democrat has tangible experience in the community where Joe much less [none?], and this is a heavily Democratic district) I may actually write my own name in for kicks.

If you vote for me, all of your wildest dreams will come true.


(Source: Alexandria Times)

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