Thursday, April 27, 2006

"Wii"-bbles Wobble...

...but they don't fall down!

This Just In: Kal breaks Scoop before TheMario!

According to this Reuters story via Yahoo! News, Nintendo's next console, codenamed "Revolution" is now known as the "Wii" (pronounced "we"). Personally, I thought the "Revolution" was a great name, and that "Wii" pretty well sucks.

Regardless of it's name, this writer will "Wii Wii Wii" all the way to the store for a "Wii" before he drops a dime on Sony's new POS3. Blu-Ray, indeed!


Monday, April 17, 2006

Kal in (My)Space!

As if Kal in Space wasn't enough, now you can enjoy Kal in (My)Space! While not as cool as blogger, I have found a number of former High School friends, etc... on the site that I've not spoken to in, well, years.

But, it's all Rachel's fault. She told me to create a profile one day when I was bored. So I did. Check it Out.


Ryan in DC?

It could happen. I just did a phone interview as his "Education Reference" for the DHS investigators. He might be here sooner than he thinks!


Friday, April 14, 2006

No More Laughing

As Mike noted as a comment on this post... I'm not laughing at Dvorak anymore.