Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The John Kerry Syndrome

While reading this article found on Yahoo! News: Granholm's Lead Now Double-Digits, I am coining a term that I'll call The John Kerry Syndrome.

Realize that I'm seeing the picture from afar, but I don't believe that Granholm has done anything of real significant value during office. The Michigan economy continues to tank. What has she done besides that?

Enter Dick DeVos, Republican Challenger. I really know nothing about him, but after 4 years of nothing much, I'd expect Michigan would be ready for a change, and I thought DeVos would do pretty well. Looks like I was wrong.

Take a step back to the 2004 Presidential Election. The country was moving toward a referendum on Dubya. Plenty of people thought it was time for a change. Enter challenger John Kerry. Who'd heard of him? I hadn't, but most people were pretty excited that he might have a chance to knock off Dubya.

The more we learned about Senator Kerry, the more we didn't like what we were finding. It's my view that Dubya's reelection was not so much an affirmation of his first 4 years, but an act of desperation -- I felt, and maybe the American People felt, that no matter what our opinion of Bush, we couldn't afford a John Kerry presidency. I'm not going to debate anyone on that.

Is that what's happening in Michigan with Dick DeVos? Does my vast Michigan readership have any comments and insights?


(P.S. No offense, Mr. Senator...but I still don't want you as my President.)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

IE7 Released Wednesday

Friendly reminder to all of you who use Windows at home, go to and pull down IE7. And if you wait just another week or two you can upgrade again to Firefox 2.0! Firefox is recommended by TheMario and by Kal (2 of 2 Geeks agree). But, if you refuse to become a Firefox switcher, do yourself a favor and grab IE7.

Now, if I can only convince IT to update us to IE7 at work...


Check out this Blog

As I was contemplating the need for an update - after all it's been 27 days since my last post - I stumbled across this great blog. It's called "Limits Are For Calculus". Based on the description it looks to be an insightful read. Unfortunately, it hasn't been updated in 260 days.

So as I add the link to my list on the right, I invite my vast readership to post a comment on the February 1st entry and tell the author how much you want to hear from him.
