Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Here's to you, Kaz!

...I hope your adventure in DC (once it comes to pass) doesn't turn out like this guy's...


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Delilah's World

"Gimme low heat, 5 minutes ...no dryer sheet."

Friday, February 17, 2006


So I am a fan of This Week in Tech, a podcast led by Leo Laporte and frequented by one of the "leading" tech journalists, John C. Dvorak. This cartooon from The Joy of Tech pretty much sums it up.

Apple adopting Windows and dropping OSX. Right. Funny. I'd be laughing even harder if they hadn't just switched to Intel processors.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Apple's Grade in English: A-

This Article on Yahoo! News details what hackers find when they attempt to put OSX on a generic x86 box:

The maker of Macintosh computers had anticipated that hackers would try to crack its new OS X operating system built to work on Intel Corp.'s chips and run pirated versions on non-Apple computers. So, Apple developers embedded a warning deep in the software — in the form of a poem.


The embedded poem reads: "Your karma check for today: There once was a user that whined/his existing OS was so blind/he'd do better to pirate/an OS that ran great/but found his hardware declined./Please don't steal Mac OS!/Really, that's way uncool./(C) Apple Computer, Inc."

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Screenshots time!

Ever find yourself wondering what my desktop looks like? Well, nowyou can stop:

Also featuring the MacOS X Expose' feature!


Friday, February 03, 2006

Spreading the Word About Skype

Okay, so it's time to plug a product I've never used. Why? Because I'd like to try it. Download Skype today and add me: MrKMiller is the name. Then we can talk.

But, for Mike and Ryan; matching avatars. :-)


Thursday, February 02, 2006

New Avatar

Time for a new Profile Avatar. I like the cowboy hat one, but I think I'd like this one...
Care of This Site...and a little GimpSHOP Editing.
